Member Code of Conduct

The Club’s Management Committee has developed this Code of Conduct in accordance with Clause 10 (a) of the Constitution.

  1. All categories of members are to:
  1. Adhere to the ground rules when using the Club grounds;
  2. Treat other members and members of the public attending Club events with respect, courtesy, honesty and fairness;
  3. Have proper regard for the interests, rights, safety and welfare of all people and animals;
  4. Not harass, bully or discriminate against others;
  5. Act in a way that is not injurious or prejudicial to the Club or its members;
  6. Act in a way which falls within the community expectations of good and appropriate manners;
  7. Show respect for and not misuse Club property, equipment or facilities;
  8. On social media:
  • be polite and respectful to the Club and any other related parties, including Judges;
  • refrain from criticising, disparaging or making derogatory or negative comments that could be interpreted as injurious or prejudicial to the Club, its members, or any Judges, either expressly or implicitly; and
  • respond to others’ opinions respectfully and professionally.


For more information and ground rules please see: Information and Ground Rules