Companion 3
The Companion 3 class is for graduates of our Companion 2 course. Companion 3 is suited to teams (dog and handler) who want to refine their skills and train the foundation skills for Obedience, Rally, Tricks, or Dances with Dogs.
What is covered in Companion 3?
In Companion 3, we build on the basic skills covered in Companion 1 and 2 and add the precision, speed and focus necessary to compete in dog sports. In Companion 3, we cover:
- Focus with distractions
- Engagement games
- Distance control – dogs working at a distance from the handler
- Precision – Heel position, fronts, and position changes (Sit, Drop, Stand)
- Body targeting skills
- Reducing reinforcers / Asking for more work
What you will need for this class:
- Mat/ bed / crate for your dog to relax when they are not working
- Plenty of high value treats preferrable light-coloured treats that the dog can see on the ground
- Treat bag or garment with pockets for quick access to your food rewards
Club membership
We require Companion 3 class members to join the Club. For membership information please go to Join or Renew
Class payment
This class is offered on a pay as you go basis. Payment is by a ten (10) class pre-paid card ($75.00) which can be purchased at the registration desk on Monday evenings.
When does Companion 3 start?
Companion 3 classes are offered every Monday evening from 7:15pm - 8pm. Companion 2 graduates are welcome to join at any time.
More information
For more information about Companion 3, please email