Companion 1

Companion 1 is our beginner's class and is suitable for adolescent dogs older than 4 months or an older dog needing to brush up on their manners.  Training exercises are relevant to the family dog and can be applied in the home or when out and about.  For dogs younger than 18 weeks our Puppy School may be more suitable.  Classes are small (max. 8 dogs) so we can give you and your dog individual attention.  We use positive training methods to teach basic obedience and life skills.  You and your dog will enjoy every minute of training.



This is a 7-week course at beginner level.  The first class is a mandatory orientation session for handlers only.  The orientation session is offered on Wednesday evening at 6.30pm.  Classes 2 - 7 are on Monday evenings at 6:30pm with you and your dog.  

Our class numbers are limited and we usually have waitlists.

1.  Upon receipt of your booking request, we will advise you if we have availability in the next intake and provide you with bank details.  As we are volunteers, we may not reply to your booking request for a few days. Please be patient.

2.  When we have confirmed your place, to secure your place, you must email us your payment receipt for the FULL course fees within 72 hours of confirmation otherwise your booking will lapse.


Course Fee for 7 training sessions and a comprehensive Train-at-Home Guide (Available online)

Pine Rivers Puppy School graduates - $110.00

Other - $145.00 


Next intake:  Information evening: Wednesday 30th April. First class: Monday 12th May


NOTE: If your dog shows aggression towards family members, other people or dogs or shows resource-guarding tendencies, please contact us prior to completing the booking request.  These issues may require one-on-one training and cannot be addressed in a class environment. 






Companion 1 Booking Request

Please read Pine Rivers Dog Training Club Ground Rules before submitting your Companion 1 Booking Request.

Your Dog's Details
Questionnaire - MUST BE COMPLETED

Many of your dog's behavioural issues can be addressed in class, however for the overly anxious dogs some issues are better addressed in a one-on-one consultation.  We will advise if we think this would be more suitable for you and your dog and make some recommendations. 

Please answer the following questions honestly.

Does your dog have any of the following behavioural problems? If you answer YES to any of the questions please provide more detail.